Friday, March 13, 2009

Are canned goods dangerous?

About 6 months ago, I had a conversation with a like minded mommy that got me thinking about how I fed my children. She explained she saw some research that said there were often dangerous levels of BPA found in any and all canned goods. BPA is often found in plastic, which is lined between the can and the food/liquid inside.

In 2007, research found that 1 out of every 3 (33%) cans of baby formula contained dangerous levels of BPA. You can read more on that here. You can also find more useful information here. Laboratory studies have shown that exposure to BPA can cause neural and behavioral changes, precancerous growths in breast and prostate tissues (aren't we having quite an epidemic of health issues in this area?!) and early onset of puberty. It crosses the placenta and can often be found in ubilical cord tissue, and amniotic fluid.

The National Institute of Enviornmental Health Sciences has some concern over the issue. Please read up on their political BS...please.

The last link I will provide for you is from U.S.News. Apparentely we missed the boat, because this artical is almost a year old. However, I'm sure you all remember the big deal that has been made about BPA in baby bottles, and sippy cups. No one ever mentions that its in our canned food too. Read up, and for your own health, eat fresh, or can for yourself.

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