Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolution

I normally have New Year's resolutions, and mainly they are little goals.  Like, one year I stopped drinking soda.  Being a kinder person, and being detailed in my mind about what that meant.  Last year, my goal was to be more outgoing.  I did it.  I met a lot of fantastic people.  I realized that most people are uncomfortable being outgoing, and are generally warm and receptive when you take that burden away from them.  Pretty neat, huh.

This year though I have made a big goal.  Earlier last year I was diagnosed with Intracranial Hypertension and was put on medication to help control my condition. There isn't a lot known about my disease, it's rare so there hasn't been massive research put into it.  Some science has shown that weight loss can help, while some science has shown it doesn't help.  I always thought negatively of weightless goals, thinking that people shouldn't wait until the new year to better themselves in such a way.  I don't think I'm falling into that though.  Last year, I lost around 25lbs, and I started mid-year after my diagnosis.  I still require medication...I've tried going off it, and it just made my brain hurt (literally).  I don't have a number of pounds I want to shed.  I have excess chub, and I want to be healthier.  My body will work better, and perhaps my IH will go into remission. My goal isn't for vanity, so I can look better.  It's so I can resume my holistic life with out medication...

I'm making this goal knowing that I can loose 50lbs this year, and still need to be on medication.  I know there are thin people with my disease.  What I also know is that there are many causes to this disease, and that perhaps different body types have different reasonings.  If it doesn't work, and if I've done all I can by the end of the year and still require medication I will at least be in a better place then I am now.  Perhaps diabetes won't be in my future, or heart issues or anything else on top of the issues I already have.  So, I know it won't be a complete loss (except of fat!).

So what are your goals?  Are they big, small...or do you think resolutions are bunk like Calvin does?

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