Thursday, May 26, 2011

Recycled seed container

I have the gardening bug, like two fold because I really didn't get to garden last summer.  Lots of my spring posts are going to be how to stretch your buck in the garden.  I've been inspired by Gayla Trail the author of Grow Great Grub, and You Grow Girl.  I bought her book Grow Great Grub last year just for the eye candy, and now I'm putting some of her ideas and practices to use.

One of my weaknesses is the veggie dumplings from Whole Foods. This is the container said dumplings come in.  Perfect for lettuce because of it's shallow root system.  It would also be good for some herbs, or sprouts.  If you have one of those pop out herb windows in your kitchen, you could probably grow fresh spring lettuce all year long.

First things first, you need to cut holes in the bottom of your container for proper drainage.  Simple enough, a sharp knife, or scissors will do. Next fill it with some potting mix, or a seed starting mix. I used a blend of mesclun for my spring lettuce.  I love the variety, and to me variety means something will pop up, guaranteed.  It's just yummy too.

Keep it moist for a few weeks in your spring weather.  The seeds like chilled nights, and don't do too well when it gets super hot.  The Colorado weather right now is perfect for them because it still dips into the 40's and 50's at night.  Sometimes even the 30's.

In a few weeks you should have sprouts, and in about a month they should be ready for you to eat.  I did this container two weeks ago, and the sprouts are what I'm looking at today.  Two more weeks, and we should have our own home grown lettuce.  I have plenty of these containers too, so if I wanted to do another round of them, I could.  Then I could constantly have fresh lettuce to munch on.

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