Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dining Room Update

So, today we went to Jo-ann's fabric and purchased some fabric and new cushions for the chairs. We've finished two chairs so far, and possibly might finish the other four either tonight or tomorrow. I've taken a few different pictures to show the old fabric and the new fabric. The old cushions were absolutely frightening. I have no idea what mystery material was used, could have been wool, cotton, or asbestos for all I know. I took the chairs outside to disasemble just in case anything weird happened.

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I did some research online last night, and it appears that my set might be an English Regency style set. They were popular in the 1920's-40's. I assume mine is not worth the thousands that those online were, and probably in mint condition it wouldn't be worth that much either. Doesn't matter though, I love it.

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I chose a mild pattern mostly because the busy pattern that was on there before gave me a headache. Who cares if they're sitting on a boquet of flowers, right? Anyway, I had to include the picture of my husband who refuses to grow up, or read the lables that bags were not toys.

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