Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homeschool vs. Public School Graphic

I think on an almost weekly/biweekly basis I have to defend my choice of homeschooling my kids.  It's refreshing to get numbers, real numbers that help me recommit to my decision to continue home schooling my children.

Home schooling is hard.  It's a commitment to learning and taking charge of your child's education, often with out any outside help.  So mom's who homeschool, take a look, a deep breath, and smile knowing you're doing great.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Primal Menu Plan

We don't have a lot of cooking to do this week.  Monday night I'm teaching in the evening so no dinner there.  Then we're going out of town Friday morning.

Monday: out
Tuesday: Slow Cooker Smokey Roast
Wednesday: Chicken with Cauliflower and Olives
Thursday: Paleo Sausage Stuffed Peppers

We are going camping this weekend so I thought I'd tack on some snacks that we'd like to take with us.

Linking back to Organizing Junkie

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Roman History and Latin Curricula

Ok, slightly obscure.  My son has expressed interest in all things Roman.  He wants to learn Latin, and for history this year he wants to study the ins and outs of Roman History. The beauty of homeschooling is child directed learning. However finding homeschool curricula on this has been challenging.  Here's a list of what I've found to save you some time.  I'm inspired to write a curricula...because there's nothing out there that is the way I want it to be. I don't even know where to begin, but I just might work through it.

Anyway, here are some links to curricula that I am considering until I can space the time away to write my own.

  1. Heritage History: Ancient Rome: At $24.99 for a CD of the entire curricula and study guide, this is a bargain and will be a great resource.  It's definitely being purchased.
  2. Roman History Pockets: These are great supplement when combined with other forms of study.  They are fun projects that my children have enjoyed in the past.  Last year it was American History, and they just loved them.
  3. Literature Pockets: Greek and Roman Myths: Another great project resource.
  4. Rome Unit Study: This is a free unit study you can download and print out to use as needed. Free is fabulous...isn't it?
  5. If your child learns best through worksheets, then Ancient Rome Thematic Unit may be a good supplement, too.

Latin Resources:
  1. Latin: First Year: I was drawn to this one because of it's quizzes and tests book. I am a secular/classical schooler, so this test booklet is super important to me. Before purchasing though, I do suggest reading the comments listed below.  It got some not so great reviews.
  2. Beginning Latin for the Homeschooler looks like a strong contender for us. This has great reviews and is very basic.  It seems to me that this book may be used before you begin the first book I linked. 
  3. Latin's Not So Tough is a classical curricula with pacing, tests, study guides...it seems to have it all.  It seems difficult to obtain, and I suppose you are lucky if you get your hands on one. It also seems to be geared towards younger learners.  It looks appropriate for 2nd and 3rd graders, or maybe even a gifted 1st grader.

Any resources out there that you think I should add to the list?  Just comment below and I will take a look. 


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